Wednesday, December 17, 2014
How a 7th grade girl takes a 1 1/2 hour final exam
Greetings! As many of you know, this is my first year to teach middle school, therefore, my first experience with middle school final exams. Middle School is a different life altogether, made up of strange and wonderful 12, 13, and 14 year olds. The male version coats itself in Axe, runs around and punches people, and makes farting noises repeatedly. This I understand since I raised two of these. It's the girls I don't quite get yet. Excerpts from real, final exam taking experiences from the past two days:
8:30--Enter classroom. Hug all other girls in class since they are your "BFF's". Hug teacher and say "I love this class". Sigh loudly and ask when this class period will be over. Pick up copy of final exam.
8:35--Sigh loudly and dramatically whine "This is too hard." "I can't do this". "This is stupid". Mention that you think the teacher's sweater is cute. Mention that you think the teacher's hair is ugly. Ask what time we get out of this class.
8:45--Do not work on final opting to Google One Direction. Sigh loudly when told to work on final. In a dramatic voice state "You are so mean to me". When told by the teacher that you will be moved to another chair state that it is against the law and you will call an attorney (no really--I had that happen this morning).
9:00--Braid your hair. Unbraid your hair. Braid it again. Poke the neighbor next to you and ask if she thinks your hair is cute. Google hairstyles. Sigh repeatedly when told to work on final exam. Tell teacher to "Chill because we have PLENTY of time to finish the final".
9:05--Put on lip gloss, attempt to paint nails and accuse teacher of being mean when she takes the nail polish away (nope--had that one happen this morning too). Repeatedly ask to see the counselor due to emotional trauma of having your nail polish taken away. When request is denied, loudly exclaim "You are so mean".
9:15--Begin working on final. Complain that you don't possibly have enough time to do all this. Whine that you are hungry. Ask to use the restroom. Ask when this class is over. Mention that this is your least favorite class. Stamp foot on ground in frustration when the teacher won't "Help" you on the final. Put head down on desk.
9:30--Really work on the final. Race through questions, calling the answers out and asking "does anyone know number 10?" Ask how many minutes we have left. Ask if you can use the restroom. Ask what you want for Christmas. Sharpen pencil. After being reminded that the final is on the computer and doesn't require a pencil say dramatically "I KNOW" and roll your eyes.
9:45--15 minute warning is given. Everyone is finished but you. Loudly complain that the teacher is unfair. Stamp feet.
10:00--Bell rings. When told by teacher that you are not leaving until you submit your work, cry.
10:05--Final submitted. On way out door, draw a smiley face on the board.
Middle School is so fun.....
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