Thursday, September 25, 2008

Post Hurricane Ike

Well, we are long last back at school after Hurricane Ike. Many in the city do not have power, still, almost two weeks later. The first day back, we had all the students blog about their Hurricane experiences.

For me, it was much louder than what I expected. It was scary, because the hurricane came on shore at 2:30 a.m., so most of the heavy winds and rain were during the dark hours before daybreak. By daybreak, the winds had calmed down enough to go outside. Our neighborhodd did not have much damage, but there were so many trees and tree limbs blown down around us. Many roads were impassable and there was no power, so the stoplights did not work. We were lucky because our power was restored after only 4 days.

I am glad to be back student teaching and getting to know my students.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane is Coming!

My first week of student teaching was, lets just say, ATYPICAL. My first day my teacher had to leave to help evacuate her sister from Lake Jackson. So I got to Experience TEACHING right off the bat and learn that the key to teaching is..always expect the unexpected. The day went great! I enjoyed meeting the students and finding my way around. I learned what is good and bad to eat in the school cafeteria. I learned that I need to invest in more comfortable shoes!

My second day was a little calmer, but not much. You see, those of you not on the Gulf Coast may not know this, but, um, we have a little HURRICANE named Ike headed straight for us. So we were already assuming we probably would not have school today. Students can sense this a mile away--by 8:00 a.m. they were already asking if the school was getting out early. No such luck, but they did cancel today as expected. Since landfall is not expected until overnight, today is actually a pretty nice day in Houston. My younger son and I just ventured out to see what was still open. The grocery store seems to be the most popular place to be--and we did find McDonalds still open (of course). The husband and other son went off to the gym; also still open. Most everything expected to be shut down tonight, so have to get out while we can.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My First Blog

Hello! This is my first blog. Tomorrow I begin a 12 week assignment which will involve a life change for me. I am finishing my teaching certificate to teach high school business after spending 25 years in the corporate world. I will meet my students and spend a couple of days observing "how things work" at my school and in my classroom. I'm so ready to begin! I am working with an awesome teacher and hope to learn a lot. More later...