Tuesday, October 21, 2008

But Miss-Why do I have to blog?

I was asked this question today by one of my students. Why do I have to blog? I can express myself many other ways, he said. This is very true. We are using blogs in the classroom as a way to promote communication, of all types, by our students. Our students today do not do enough writing, and I am finding with my own high school son that he considers writing a chore, or a punishment. We, as teachers, are not doing enough to promote writing as "fun", or a creative outlet. So I sent my students to Ms. Cuellars blog. It's writing, but it's fun! It has links to interesting places, and even a video of her face on an M & M singing that she created. One student asked--I can make my blog fun like that?? That's the beauty--a blog can be anything you want it to be. The sky is the limit. Blog on........

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