Wednesday, October 15, 2008

TeXes PPR Test

One month and then some down in my student teaching, I have until December 10 until I am "done". Actually , I have decided I will never be "done" student teaching, because I will always have something new to learn, and sometimes the students are the teachers!

I took my second certification test today--the TeXes PPR required by the state of Texas. I hope I passed. I thought I was prepared, then had some extra time this morning and went to Barnes & Noble to look at an additonal review book--those questions were a lot harder than the review book I had been using. So that made me nervous. Glad I looked at the second review book, because it was a better indicator of the test than the first (Princeton Review--bad marks from me). If I don't pass, I know which book to get for next time!

Anyway, my point, and my mentor teacher and I discussed this, is for the test you have to answer the politically correct way, which may not actually be the way that works in the classroom. I know I probably missed a few questions because of this.

A good productive day, overall. If I had been at school, my students were also testing, taking the PSAT. I hope my mentor teacher is getting a lot done without me there following her around! Sometimes it is hard to share "space"--my "space" is a corner of a desk right now! Looking forward to my own classroom....

1 comment:

ecosavvy said...

What PPR prep book did you like at B & N? I'm taking the test soon & there are soooo many out there, I don't know which one(s) will actually benefit me --- In this blog, you wrote: went to Barnes & Noble to look at an additonal review book--those questions were a lot harder than the review book I had been using. So that made me nervous. Glad I looked at the second review book, because it was a better indicator of the test than the first (Princeton Review--bad marks from me). If I don't pass, I know which book to get for next time!
THX!!! Sheri